Wednesday, December 27, 2017

OMG this is still alive... or is it?

I haven’t posted in practically forever!

I mean, I’ve thought of stuff to post, but then another thought pops up and I decide not to actually post anything!

So, too much has happened since the last time I posted to do any kind of synopsis of any kind.

But of course there are some things that have happened that are really important (at least to me)!

Gay Marriage, otherwise known as “Marriage”, was made legal here in the United States, and all the whole world didn’t go crazy or blow up or any of the other things that all the conservative folks say would happen.

Just that folks can now marry the love of their life no matter if they are the same gender!

So raise a glass of bubbly (alcoholic or non, your choice), and let’s get into the issue of folks not baking cakes for them!

If you have a bakery and don’t want to marry someone of the same gender, then don’t! But don’t tell me you can’t because you don’t agree with it!

Suck it up and bake the fucking cake!

I hope businesses that discriminate like this lose their business license and go under!

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