Monday, March 21, 2005

LGBT A/PI Taskforce in Chicago

Hey folks,

Just got sent this notice about a taskforce getting together in Chicago. This taskforce is trying to set the foundations of a new organization to provide community building and advocacy services for LGBT A/PI folks in Chicago. I noticed that the notice only mentions Lesbian and Gay folks getting together, but I'm sure Bisexual and Transgender folks are more than welcome. Probably just an oversight.

So if you or someone you know is interested in helping create a new organization, give Karl a jingle.


Dear Friends,

A group of lesbian and gay Asian/Pacific Islanders is convening the first of three meetings for the Queer A/PI Interim Taskforce. The Taskforce is charged with setting the foundations of a Chicago-based LGBT A/PI organization that is dedicated to les/gay/bi/tg community building and advocacy. The three main objectives to reach this goal are: 1) Select a Name, 2) Draft and Ratify a Mission Statement, and 3) Name the new organization's first slate of the governing body. The Taskforce will dissolve when the objectives are achieved.

The first meeting of the Queer A/PI Interim Taskforce will convene April 2, 2005 at David Amarathithada's condo beginning promptly at 1pm and going no later than 3pm.

Food and drink will be served at 12:00pm. Feel free to come early to eat, drink, and be merry before the meeting!

Please RSVP no later than March 26, 2005. Contact Karl K. at 216.965.6232 or email him at


Karl Kimpo

P.S. Participation in the Taskforce process does not imply automatic membership on the official governing body.

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