Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Cure for AIDS?

A man in England, Andrew Stimpson, tested positive for HIV in August 2002, but 14 months later, tested negative. He now thinks that his body may have the cure for AIDS.

Wow, if this is true, think of all the rampant bare booty fucking that is going to happen!

I have worked in HIV education and counseling in the past. What really scares me, is that when some goes to get tested for HIV, what the test is actually testing for, isn't HIV, but the body's response to HIV, the antibodies. This is why we have what's called a "window period" of three months. Everyone's bodies is different and it can take someone anywhere from a week and up to three months to produce antibodies to fight the HIV.

What's really sad to me, is that in the past, someone will actually test negative if they took the HIV test, after having tested positive, because it means that their body's defense, the immune system, has been completely destroyed. There is no longer any antibodies being produced for the test to detect.

These people usually die soon after getting that negative test result.

So, I wonder what's happening with Mr. Stimpson. I truly hope that his body contains the magical cure against HIV and that this isn't a case of his body being completely damaged.

In the meanwhile, please stay safe. If you want to go play, try to lower your risk. Use protection. Cum on me, not in me. Make sure you trust the people you play with. Never ever do anything you don't want to do or feel safe in doing.

Magical Bullet
Something we've chased for a while
Can this be for real?


1 comment:

Chox said...

"Wow, if this is true, think of all the rampant bare booty fucking that is going to happen!"

Honey, I know where your mind is. ;-)
